Monday, August 15, 2011

2011 Brno MotoGP Test Press Release Round Up

Press releases from the MotoGP teams after the test of the 1000cc and 800cc MotoGP bikes at Brno:

Yamaha Factory Racing Complete Positive Test at Brno

Yamaha Factory Racing riders Jorge Lorenzo and Ben Spies completed a successful test today at the Brno circuit in the Czech Republic. The riders spent some time testing updates to the 2011 YZR-M1, including engine and electronics upgrades and different chassis and fairing parts. Having completed this they were then both given the opportunity to take their first ride on the prototype 2012 1000cc race bike.

Spies and Lorenzo were very quickly up to an impressive pace on the new bike, Spies wrapping up with a fastest lap time of 1'56.306 on the 1000cc bike as the third fastest rider of the day. Team mate Lorenzo clearly enjoyed his time aboard the new machine, clocking an impressive lap time of 1'56.253 to finish as the second fastest rider of the day.

Reigning World Champion Lorenzo completed an impressive 58 laps on the 800cc YZR-M1 before switching to add another 28 laps on the 2012 1000cc bike. Team mate Spies completed all testing in the morning session, giving his trapped nerve issue from the weekend a chance to rest. He completed 15 laps on the 800cc YZR-M1 and 14 laps on the 2012 1000cc prototype.

Jorge Lorenzo

Position : 2nd Time: 1'56.253 Laps: 86

"Today has been an exciting and busy day because it has been the first day riding the 1000cc bike, but also because we have made a small step with the engine upgrades for the 800cc bike. We rode many laps non-stop from nine this morning to five this afternoon! I realized the 1000cc bike was incredible when I saw the power on the straight. I like this bike a lot and I wanted to have more laps but I have to still think about this season! I have been just one hour with our future bike! I can say that the next MotoGP season will be amazing, much more power, you go out of the corners sliding; I can't wait!"

Ben Spies

Position : 3rd Time: 1'56.306 Laps: 39

"The 800cc upgrades we tested this morning were positive, hopefully there's more in that direction in the future as well. With the 1000cc bike it was a pretty successful first day. We didn't change much on it, pretty much just rolled out and did some laps to get as much data as possible. We made some small changes to see how differently it affected the bike compared to the 800.There's more improvements to be made for sure but for the first day to go faster than the 800 was a surprise. My arm is feeling better and better, I'm getting a check up when I fly home to the US on Wednesday but should be fit and ready for Indianapolis."


Brno, 15 August: Following on from the action of yesterday's Brno GP, some of the premier class riders and teams spent one more day at the Czech circuit for one day of testing. The testing session has started at 10 am proceeding until 6 pm under sunny skies and yesterday's GP winner Stoner topped the timesheets with a best lap time of 1'56.168 aboard the 1000cc.

LCR Honda MotoGP rider Toni Elias circulated the 5.403km circuit 56 times today aboard his RC212V posting the 9th lap time of the day (1'57.903). The Spaniard, who has gained the 11th position in yesterday 22-lap race, has proceeded his adjustment work trying to fix his front end issues and, despite an awful crash from which he luckily escaped unhurt, Elias feels more confident ahead next US GP at Indianapolis circuit on the 28th of August.

Elias: "Apart from the bad crash I am quite satisfied about this test session and about my lap time. We have mainly tried to fix our front end issues: some changes did not work but with small adjustments on the front geometry I could improve my feeling on the bike acquiring more corner speed. After lunch I was going for another long run and I probably pushed too hard crashing heavily in the gravel. The bike hit my right leg and I thought my feet was injured but the x-ray has ruled out the damage. After that I was a bit dazed and I have preferred to remain in the garage for the rest of the session. Anyway I think we took another step forward ahead the next race in Indianapolis".

Casey Stoner and Dani Pedrosa test 2012 RC213V prototype at Brno

Weather: Dry
Air Temperature: 24 degrees
Track Temperature: 25 degrees
Humidity: 48%

After celebrating the all-Honda podium yesterday at Brno, the Repsol Honda Team returned back on track this morning for a one day test dedicated to the development of the Honda prototype for the 2012 MotoGP Championship.

It was a positive day of testing with both riders giving valuable feedback, which will allow the HRC engineers to continue the development of the new machine. As scheduled, the test began at 09h00 under dry conditions and finished at 18h00 with one hour lunch break. Fortunately, the rain that was expected did not arrive until the final 30 minutes of the day, when the Repsol Honda Team had already finished their programme.

Czech Republic GP winner Casey Stoner, who already tested the RC213V in the Jerez test, was the fastest rider on track with a lap time of 1'56.168. Completing a total of 57 laps, he and his team took some important steps forward in the development of the 2012 machine.

Dani Pedrosa made his debut on the new machine as he missed the first test session held at Jerez on May 17th and 18th due to injury. Dani made the most of the dry track to study the new bike and give important feedback to the HRC engineers. In total he completed 37 laps with a top time of 1'57.264, the fourth fastest of the day.

HRC engineers will now take time to evaluate this data from both riders and decide how to proceed with the development of the new machine.

Edwards and Crutchlow complete productive test at Brno

Colin Edwards and Cal Crutchlow completed a productive one-day test session at the Brno circuit today, the Monster Yamaha Tech 3 Team riders working through a range of set-up options in preparation for the final seven races of the 2011 World Championship.

After he finished in a hard fought eighth position in Sunday's Czech Republic MotoGP race, Texan Edwards had a busy day evaluating updates for Yamaha and Bridgestone.

Bridgestone tapped into all of Edwards' vast experience, the 37-year-old putting in development laps on a new front tyre and two new rear tyre compounds that Bridgestone plan to make available in 2012 for the new 1000cc MotoGP class. Edwards also worked his way through a range of different electronics settings to supply Yamaha technicians with a wealth of precise feedback for the future.

Despite being in testing mode, Edwards set a best time of 1.58.412 in his 44-lap stint, which was quicker than his best lap time in yesterday's 22-lap race.

With eight hours of track time available and conditions for most of the day bright and warm, Crutchlow dedicated his efforts on improving the set-up of his Monster Yamaha Tech 3 Team YZR-M1 machine. The prime focus was improving Crutchlow's front-end confidence after the 25-year-old has recently experienced a difficult period in his rookie campaign.

Without the time constraints of a Grand Prix weekend, Crutchlow also concentrated on further adapting his riding style to suit the 800cc YZR-M1 machine. He was able to focus on improving his braking technique, and the British rider was satisfied with his progress after completing 74 laps before heavy rain started to fall with 30 minutes of the session remaining. His best time of 1.57.591 was over 0.2s faster than his qualifying time.

The Monster Yamaha Tech 3 Team is now preparing for another trip across the Atlantic Ocean for the Indianapolis round on August 28, which comes hot on the heels of last month's Laguna Seca race in California.

Colin Edwards 1.58.492 ? 44 laps:

"Today was just about getting some information for Bridgestone and Yamaha. The new tyres I tested seemed to be a good step in the right direction, so they've got a lot of information and feedback to analyse and digest now. I'm happy with the direction Bridgestone is going with the rear tyre. I tried two today, and both give you a lot more security. There's not so much risk involved in the first co uple of laps, so credit to Bridgestone because they have listened to our comments this season and taken action to improve the tyres and I'm really pleased. I also ran some new electronics for Yamaha and there were a couple of interesting options. I'm looking forward to going home now and relaxing ahead of another important race in Indianapolis. To have two home races in such a short space of time is awesome, so I'm looking forward to putting on a good show for the American fans."

Cal Crutchlow 1.57.591 ? 74 laps:

"This morning we didn't change the bike and I just went out and did some laps and I was doing low 58s on old tyres, so that makes me feel even more disappointed with the crash in the race yesterday because that pace would have put me on for a good result. The front-end could still be better but we've definitely been working in the right direction and we're try ing to figure out how we can make more improvements. But this process isn't just about working on making the bike better. I know I've got to improve myself and adapt my style more and I've worked on that a lot today. At the moment some laps I'm braking much better and how I should be and others I go back to my normal style, but that is all part of the learning process and why this test has been so valuable. I still need to release the brake earlier to help me carry more corner speed, so I'll be working on improving more in that area in the future. My crew have worked really hard today after a long weekend, so credit to them for that. It was a good day and I can take some confidence to Indianapolis now."


In the post-race test at the Brno MotoGP the two Ducati Team riders rode the 800 in its GP11.1 iteration, apart from Nicky Hayden making a single, initial run with the GP11.

The two riders' efforts were focused in different directions: Working with an eye toward the future, Rossi dedicated the day to trying various setups and weight distributions, tests that were intended to direct the next development steps for next year's bike.

After one outing with the GP11 and one with the GP11.1, Hayden dedicated himself solely to the latter, working on adapting to the newer version and searching for a base setup.

Nicky Hayden (Ducati Team), 1:57.533 (78 laps)

"Everything went pretty well today. We didn't break any track records or anything, but luckily the rain held off. I did one run this morning with the GP11 just to start from zero and then went straight in on the GP11.1. Like at Laguna, I was immediately just as fast, but steadily through the day, I was quicker and quicker. Once again, the team worked like dogs, between working on my race bikes and preparing for the test. I enjoyed riding the bike, and it's always nice to see progress and have a good feeling, I plan to ride it at Indy. My sister's getting married this weekend, so we've got a pretty special two weeks coming up between that and my home GP."

Valentino Rossi (Ducati Team), 1:58.266 (74 laps)

"It was a very busy day, not only because we did almost 75 laps, but also because we tried many changes in every outing. It's not easy riding like that, as it requires a lot of concentration. We had some electronic updates that we still have to perfect, but we'll return to those soon. Apart from that, we were thinking more toward the future, mainly trying different geometries, weight distributions, and settings that were a little strange, everything to remove any doubts and to understand some things about the GP11.1. I'd say it was a successful test, even if we sacrificed some performance since we had other objectives. We also tried some new tyres from Bridgestone, and the first impression was good."

Filippo Preziosi, Ducati Corse Technical Director

"With Valentino, we decided to use this test day with the 800 in order to try very extreme setup solutions, with the goal of giving the engineers guidance for the next-generation bikes. Therefore, we brought parts that allowed us to make much bigger adjustments than is normally possible. Practically, these are tests that help us to understand what happens when you move the center of gravity significantly or increase stiffness by an extreme amount, and so on. The mid-term goal is to build the base knowhow for the bike of the future. As for Nicky, after an initial run with the GP11, he preferred to work only with the GP11.1 to gather experience with its characteristics and work on a base setup."


Eddie Lawson Anton Mang Angel Nieto Wayne Rainey

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