Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Are Miley Cyrus And Liam Hemsworth Really Back Together?

Are Miley Cyrus And Liam Hemsworth Really Back Together?:

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth look like they’re back together…They’ve been spotted out together a lot lately, going out to eat or grocery shopping. However, after reading Liam’s recent interview with Seventeen Magazine we’re not so sure.

When asked if he and Miley were officially back together, Liam replied:

Who knows? Might be. The main thing is that we know how we feel. We know what’s going on. It can get complicated bringing the rest of the world into it.

Um. Is that a yes or a no? We know Miley has Tweeted about Liam recently calling him her boyfriend, so we’re assuming they’re back together. But why doesn’t Liam want to admit to it?


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